The Academic Conference of Professor Gu Dongdong of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Was Held Successfully

Provenance:机械电子控制工程系英文网Release time:2017-06-12Viewed:67

On the morning of June 9, 2017, at the invitation of Professor Zou Jun,Dr. Gu Dongdong, a professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics andAstronautics, conducted an academic report for teachers and studentsin the National Laboratory of Fluid Power and ElectromechanicalSystems entitled ' high-performance light alloy-based compositecomponent on laser precision additive manufacturing'.

ProfessorGu Dongdong is an expert in metal additive manufacturing. He ismainly engaged in laser precision additive manufacturing and 3Dprinting research on high performance difficult - to-machine metaland metal matrix composite components. Professor Gu Dongdong wasselected as one of the national “Young and Middle-aged Scienceand Technology Innovation Leaders”, the national “Millionsof Plan” youth top talents, the National Outstanding YouthScience Fund, the Ministry of Education “Yangtze ScholarsAwards” young scholars and other talent programs, served as theAmerican Laser Society Journal Journal The editor-in-chief of LaserApplications and several editorial boards of SCI InternationalJournal published more than 100 papers in SCI. SCI cited more than1200 times and won the Green Talents Award from the German FederalMinistry of Education and Research BMFF. Second Prize of ScientificResearch Outstanding Achievement Award (Natural Science Award) andSecond Prize of Jiangsu Science and Technology Award.

ProfessorGu Dongdong gave a report

ProfessorGu talked about the important research significance of 3D printingtechnology from the history of 3D printing. Then, hot topics inGermany and additive manufacturing workshop were reported, China andGermany outlined the status of research in laser additivemanufacturing, etc. by comparing LMD and SLM the two technologieswith examples, illustrated two different areas of application fortechnology. Professor Gu pointed out that the three scientificconnotations of additive manufacturing were “process controlbasis”, “material design basis” and “structuraland performance basis”, and also proposed three core contentsof additive manufacturing, and An “lobster eye” exampleis explained. After that, Professor Gu pointed out three scientificand technical problems in the laser additive manufacturing of metalparts. Finally, Professor Gu put forward his own three thoughts:First, the work must be sharpened first, and the localization of themetal SLM3D printing equipment should be strengthened. Secondly, itis difficult for the woman to be the one who does not have the rice,and strengthen the localization of the metal powder manufacturingtechnology. Finally, the theory guides practice assists engineeringapplications, and conducts in-depth research on the manufacture ofmetal materials . Finally, the on-site teachers and students activelyasked questions about metal 3D printing, and Professor Gu gavedetailed answers one by one.

Thisacademic conference provided valuable opportunities for teachers andstudents to understand the frontiers of scientific research anddevelop innovative ideas. It also gave everyone a deeperunderstanding and understanding of metal 3D printing.