香港理工大学Xingjian Jing副教授学术报告


报 告 人:Xingjian Jing博士

时  间:2019-4-22(周一)10:30-12:00

地  点:玉泉校区液压老楼四楼会议室


Employing Nonlinear Benefits in Engineering: Theory and Methods

Xingjian Jing

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Employing nonlinearity in engineering applications is a challenging but very promising topic in the literature in recent years. Nonlinearity can be employed in various vibration control, energy harvesting and structure health monitoring for achieving advantageous performance. A special issue on this topic will be published on the leading journal – Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. This talk will focus on a brief introduction of a theory for nonlinear analysis and design in the frequency domain with several new concepts such as nonlinear characteristic output spectrum (nCOS) or nonlinear output frequency response function (NOFRF). This method can present a novel and powerful insight into understanding nonlinear dynamics, developed in recent years. Following this, some R&D activities will be introduced about a class of bio-inspired anti-vibration structures and their applications in passive vibration control, energy harvesting systems, fault detection and diagnosis and robotics etc, recently investigated in HK PolyU.


Brief Biography


Xingjian Jing (M’13, SM’17) received the B.S. degree from Zhejiang University, China, in 1998, the M.S. degree and PhD degree in Robotics from Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2001 and 2005 respectively. He achieved the PhD degree in nonlinear systems and signal processing from University of Sheffield, U.K., in 2008.

He is now an Associate Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Before joining in PolyU as an Assistant Professor in Nov 2009, he was a Research Fellow with the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton. His current research interests include: nonlinear dynamics, vibration and control.

Dr Jing is the recipient of a series of academic and professional awards including 2016 IEEE SMC Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award, 2017 TechConnect World Innovation Award in US, 2017 EASD Senior Research Prize in Europe and 2017 the First Prize of HK Construction Industry Council Innovation Award. He has published more than 130 referred papers and obtained about 15 patents filed in China and US. He currently serves as Technical Editor of IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, and Associate Editor of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. He was the lead editor of a special issue on “Exploring nonlinear benefits in engineering” published in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2018.

Xingjian Jing博士,香港理工大学机械工程系副教授。分别获浙江大学学士(1998)、中科院自动化所硕士(2001)和博士学位(2005),英国Sheffield大学博士(2008)。主要研究领域:非线性系统分析、設計、信號處理、辨識及其在振動控制、能量採集、故障診斷、機器人等方面的應用。任国际知名杂志IEEE/ASME Trans MechatronicsMechanical Systems and Signal Processing的副主编。并于2018年在MSSP上任专刊主编—“Exploring nonlinear benefits in engineering”曾获得中科院刘永龄奖,中科院院长优秀奖,EPSRC-Hutchison Whampoa Dorothy Hodgkin AwardHighest International Consultancy Award2016 IEEE SMC best transaction paper award 2017 美國TechConnect全球技術創新獎,2017歐洲結構動力學協會Senior Research Prize,和2017香港建築業議會建築技術創新一等獎等。研究工作得到香港RGC,国家自然基金,中海油技术服务有限公司,中国航天技术研究院,中國航天控股公司,Lord公司及其它香港廣州和國際公司的资助。