美国威斯康辛Heidi-Lynn Ploeg教授报告

出处:浙江大学流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室   发布时间:2015-06-23浏览次数:11

  • 报告人: Heidi-Lynn Ploeg, 美国威斯康辛大学

  • 时间:2015-06-26 14:00-15:00

  • 地点:浙江大学玉泉校区液压老楼四楼会议室






Heidi-Lynn Ploeg 教授分别在1988年、1991年2000年从加拿大女王大学(加拿大安大略省)获得本科、硕士、博士学位。从2003年起,进入威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校机械工程系工作,担任副教授。Ploeg教授专注于骨骼与关节生物力学方向的研究,主要涉及骨骼与关节的力学分析和建模,矫形植入体的设计和疲劳分析等。Ploeg教授在生物力学相关期刊上发表了数十篇论文,同时也是国际生物力学协会以及加拿大、美国、欧洲的生物力学协会等多个学会的会员。

University of Wisconsin Bone and Joint Biomechanics Lab Research

The research goal of the UW Bone and Joint Research Laboratory is to understand the human musculo-skeletal system better, in order to aid the development of biomechanical and safe solutions for the prevention, care and treatment of diseased or injured systems. My research applies both experimental and computational methods to investigate the human subject over a wide range of scales from musculoskeletal biomechanics down to bone microstructures.

The creation of advanced prevention and treatment strategies requires an understanding of their effects on the tissue structures of the body. Biomechanical models that replicate the physical and physiological behavior of tissue structures are an enabling technology for assessing this interaction. The aim of my research is to evolve the sophistication of biomechanical models, in the form of physical surrogates and computer simulations, in order to refine novel prevention and treatment strategies.

Multidisciplinary, industrial and clinical collaborations are required, and therefore, are a natural product of research in this field. 

Brief Biography of Prof. Heidi-Lynn Ploeg:

Prof. Heidi-Lynn Ploeg received B. Sc. degree, M. Sc. degree and Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering from Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada) in 1988, 1991 and 2000 respectively. Prof. Ploeg is an associate professor in University of Wisconsin-Madison and concentrates on research of bone and joint biomechanics. Her research interests mainly include bone modeling and remodeling, orthopedic implant design and analysis, biomechanics of joints and fatigue of materials. With tens of papers published, Prof. Ploeg is also a member of many biomechanics related research societies, including International Society of Biomechanics, Canadian Society of Biomechanics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Biomechanics, European Society of Biomechanics, and American Society of Testing and Materials.